FÉG PA-63 Army Pistol (Pisztoly 63 Minta - PA 63M)
Feg Pa 63 Serial Number Lookup Now having said the above, My understanding is this model pistol was produced from 1963 on, hence the model name PA-63. I've read varying accounts of these being made from the late 1950's through the 1990's. Doerr lr22132 diagram. Problems related to the durability of the aluminum frame were resolved prior to the development of the PA-63 in 1961 with the production of the FEG R-61 Police Pistol. The addition of 0.1% titanium to the aluminum alloy solved premature alloy frame wear problems inherent in the earlier FEG. On the other hand, if someone else has a PA-63 with more than 4 digits in its s/n, then the number of pistols per block and series is simply increased. Some arms manufacturers will 'fill-out' low numbers with leading 0s to fit the number of digits per s/n (ie, '0001' is the first s/n), while others will just start with '1' and go until the.
A Walther PPK type aluminum-titanium alloy frame pistolManufactured by Fémáru és Szerszámgépgyár NV, Budapest, 1963-1975
Feg Pa 63 Serial Number Lookup Tool
Numrich Gun Parts Corporation 226 Williams Ln. Kingston, NY 12401 Phone: 866.686.7424. Feb 01, 2018 Dates of manufacture, cz 85 manufacture dates by serial number, cz 85 manufacture dates serial FEG, PA-63. Help With Stamp Markings. Suggestions on what I am seeing here? I can try to take better photos later in the week. Thanks in advance. Hi Folks, I'm the happy owner of a PA-63 in 9MM Mak.
Manufactured by Fegyver és Gázkészülékgyár ('FÉG'), Budapest, 1975-1990
Caliber: 9x18mm Makarov
171mm [6.7'] long, 100mm [3.9'] barrel
7-rd magazine
Serial Number Lookup Model
Unloaded weight: 540g, loaded: 600g
Upon the success of the light weight R-61 Police Pistol the Hungarian People's Army requested a new aluminum alloy framed 9x18mm Makarov chambered pistol to replace their 48.M (Tokarev TT-33) Army Pistols. They also asked for and received a 7-round magazine and a longer, 100mm barrel.
Design improvements of the Walther PPK by FÉG enginers.
The PA-63 was the official Hungarian Army sidearm from 1963 until 1996, chambered for the 9x18mm Makarov cartridge. It was manufactured with a bright-finish Titanium-Aluminium alloy frame (later with blued frame), and a steel slide. Early grips had no thumbrest. Some police and commercial pistols have two-tone finish.
This pistol was replaced by the 9x19mm FÉG P9RC as the Hungarian Army's '96.M' service pistol in 1996.
Typical PA-63 markings are on the left side of the frame, between the trigger and the grip panel. The serial numbers are usually 2 letters and 4 numbers. The circled 'M' and the heart-shape circled 'I' are inspection marks. The small Hungarian crest with the 2-digit date are the acceptance marks. The '7's are a bit weird often look like '1's. Acceptance dates as early as 1947 have been observed on the PA-63's, obviously a few older guns were rebuilt into PA-63's. Note to the collectors: Pistols with dates over 50 years old qualify for C&R (Curio & Relic) FFL.
Several FÉG PA-63 variants has been observed
Variant 1
Imported by Century Arms, VT, cca 1995-2000
Feg P9r Serial Numbers
Slide legend: 'Cal. 9mm Made in Hungary'
The thumbrest left grip was an upgrade
Standard Hungarian FEG inspection marks. Standard Hungarian FEG serial numbering.
Variant 2
Imported by PW Arms, Redmond, WA, cca 2000-05
Standard Hungarian FEG inspection marks. Standard Hungarian FEG serial numbering.
Variant 3
Imported by KBI Inc, Harrisburg, PA, cca 1990-2000
Electropenciled legend believed to be added by KBI
Standard Hungarian inspection marks. Standard Hungarian serial numbering was abandoned and a 6-digit number with a single letter prefix was used.
Variant 4
A new version of the PA-63 with a more ergonomical grip design was marketed cca. 2005. These were available from US importer, Century Arms.Home