Japan World Cup Game Steam
What to say about this one… well, after spotting it over at Rock Paper Shotgun, there was no way I wasn’t giving it a go. Then it proved to be more than I could have ever dreamed of. Japan World Cup 2 will make you scream ‘WHAT IS THIS’, but with a huge grin on your face.
There’s a fair bit of Japanese to sift through, but it’s simple enough to work out what to click and how to work it. The game is essentially a betting affair, as you guess which ‘horse’ is going to come in first in each race. Except that you stop really caring about whether you’re winning or not, and concentrate solely on the racers.
I’m not sure on the developer name, so if anyone can read Japanese and can let me know, that would be most excellent. Give it a go over at the official site.
Japan World Cup Game Download
Japan World Cup! Holding of the race to determine the world of true was a long-held dream of Japanese horse racing fan decision. First prize, 1 billion yen of extraordinary well beyond the Dubai World Cup and the Arc de Triomphe prize. Can be played only top-notch thoroughbred, race of the world's highest mountain 'Japan World Cup' was finally born. After a heated World Cup match, the stands are usually left with food waste, cups and wrappers scattered in the heat of the moment. Japanese fans certainly had reason to go wild on Tuesday night. Cinema keiba/japan world cup(シネマけいば・ジャパンワールドカップ)は、真島理一郎による短編cg作品。 日本中央競馬会(jra)及び全国競馬・畜産振興会が制作協力している。 以下、レースとしてのジャパンワールドカップは第 回jwc、作品としてのjapan world cupはjwc と表記する。. Japan World Cup is the craziest horse racing game on the market, so we thought we'd take a look at this hilarious phenomenon. Be prepared to say 'WTF'.If you.
'Japan World Cup 3' is a continuation of the insane pseudo-game that startles, baffles, and entertains with every new race. It's not an interactive game, but I can totally understand people betting on outcomes on the first viewing.